Friday, July 19, 2013

The Walking Dead Issue #112 (Comic Book Series) Review

*** I'm sorry this review is late.  As you could tell, I had a lot of posts to complete and I didn't want to fall behind on those even more.  So again, I apologize.***

This review will contain spoilers, so if you haven't read the issue yet, I wouldn't advise reading any further.

Another month, another issue of The Walking Dead.  Even though there weren't any deaths, this issue was awesome! We're finally starting to see the start of the war beginning.  When Rick had Negan at gunpoint, I thought it was over.  But it couldn't have been that easy.

The issue starts off right after the death of Spencer and Rick arriving back the Safe Zone with the rest of the Survivors.  He found out what happened to Spencer and got pissed off, yelling, "I thought we had an agreement?!"  Then we had some tense dialogue between Rick and Negan, but Negan does explain that Spencer came to him and said that he wanted Rick dead.

Rick gives Negan half of his stuff and with everyone now back in Alexandria and Negan there with a small group, Rick scrambled back to his house and got Andrea to go up into the tower with her sniper.  Andrea then killed a few Saviors and Negan actually looked a little nervous.  Then Rick said to him, "You ever hear the one about a guy who brought a baseball bat to a gun fight, f--ker?"  We then see Rick yelling and shooting his gun, and I thought, "Rick is actually going to do this." But to no avail. 

We found out that Negan had about twenty armed men with guns stationed around the area, which shocked me because I thought he didn't have many guns.  Then he explained that guns should only be used on the living and the thinkers because they're much more dangerous, which I do agree with.  Then out come the Saviors and Negan then tells Rick that they're, "f--king f--ked."

That was a really exciting cliffhanger to end the issue.  The war is about to start, so I think we all knew that Rick wasn't going to kill Negan just like that and same goes for Negan killing Rick.  It also made a lot of sense for Rick to try and take Negan down at that moment in time.  He just didn't know that Negan had about 20 armed men in the area.

So that's about it for this month's issue.  Tell me what you guys think about Issue 112.  What will happen next?  Is Negan the best villain in the history of The Walking Dead? Let me know what you think in the comments below.


  1. Do you think negan is going to kill Rick?

    1. I think it'll be Rick, Carl or Maggie that kills Negan.

      Rick did promise Maggie he would get revenge for Glenn's death. Maggie may want to get revenge herself for Glenn's death. Carl may want to do it because Negan taunted him about his missing eye.

      Whoever kills Negan, you can guarantee his death will be slow and painful for the way he killed Glenn. I'd laugh if he was beaten to death by Lucille.
