Monday, April 1, 2013

S3E16 "Welcome to the Tombs" Review

Last night, season three of The Walking Dead came to an end.  There was blood, there was guts and there was heartbreak, literally.  After the finale, I realized that I have to wait half of a year to see season four. 


Overall, my reaction to the episode was, "I did not see that coming."  I thought there was going to be a much higher body count among the main cast, and Rick was going to leave the prison.  But in the end, Rick and Co. not only remained at the prison, but they welcomed some new neighbors as well.  Meanwhile, Woodbury has become a ghost town. 

We began with the Andrea and the Governor, with the Governor torturing both Andrea and Milton.  Poor Milton finally got on the Governor's bad side when he burned the pit walkers, and has to pay the price.  Milton's no wimp, but he isn't really a violent person.  He's not Glenn, who can take a beating and get back up.  When Milton is beaten, he stays beaten.

Regarding the situation with Andrea, even I could pick up a pair of pliers faster than she did.  Literally.  If a dying man who is going to eat you tells you to hurry up, then stop yapping and hurry the hell up.

So this is how most thought the episode would go: The Governor attacks the prison to find out that Rick and Co. are gone.  They destroy the prison then find and kill characters like Hershel, Carol and Beth.  But we were dead wrong.  Instead, our heroes cleverly laid down a trap for the Governor and his army.  It was funny to see the people of Woodbury running for their lives.

Enter Dark Carl: give him half a reason and he kills his own mother, so that poor Woodbury kid didn't stand a chance.  I think Carl's philosophy of "better safe then undead" has kept him alive against all odds, so he's doing something right.

Boy, was this a surprise?  When the Governor kills his entire army but Martinez and my man Bowman, it was definitely shocking.  I think this certainly made it easier for Rick and Co. to safely move back into the prison and for the people of Woodbury to join them.  It also got rid of a whole bunch of Woodbury people who were not relevant to the series whatsoever.  By the way, props to Karen for pulling a Carol and hiding behind a dead body to prevent being killed.  In all seriousness, she tells Rick and Tyreese the whole story so everybody can join hands now, right? 

Surprsingly... yes.  But not before the Governor's previous work comes back to haunt them once more.  Andrea fought valiantly (and slowly) for the pliers to free herself and kill Milton before he could kill her.  While she managed to put him down, he still got a big chomp out of her neck.  And that was how Rick, Daryl, Tyreese and Michonne found her.

Now that Andrea has died, let's take a look back on her sometimes irritating plot this season.  It was Andrea who made the wrong decision when Michonne wanted to leave Woodbury, Andrea didn't capitalize on three occasions to kill the Governor, and Andrea who didn't save herself by just going back to the prison when the opportunity presented itself.  But in the end, she was completely redeemed by her own words, "I didn't want anyone to die."  She didn't want her friends to die, the people of Woodbury, Michonne, and even the Governor for awhile.  That may not be the same Andrea as the comic books.  But she is still brave, noble, and she gave her life working for a better world.

Despite the shocking death of Andrea and half the population of Woodbury, things ended on a high note this season.  The prison wasn't abandoned as most predicted, and only two relevant characters died.  It wasn't the explosively shocking season finale we expected, nor was it the season finale to leave us in suspense all summer long.  But after this season, it's almost a relief to have things end the way they did. 

Some questions to answer for next season: Where have the Governor, Martinez and Bowman gone?  Will they return to attack the prison in season four?  Will Tyreese and the other Woodbury refugees adjust to prison life or will they be at odds with Rick's group?  Will we see a softer side of Rick next season?  Will Morgan join the prison group? Who will Carl kill next? We've got half a year to ponder over these questions, fellow zombiephiles.

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