Saturday, June 22, 2013

Comic Series - Top 5 Favorite Characters

A couple weeks ago, I did a post and listed my top 5 favorite characters from The Walking Dead television series.  So I thought, why not do the comic book series as well?  I don't know if I'll do one on the worst comic book characters, but we'll see.  So let's get started!

5. Andrea

I absolutely love in Andrea in the comic book series.  She's great with the sniper, takes guys down left and right and holds off people from attacking the group.  I loved when she brought a group back to the prison to help Rick's group against The Governor and survived the attack against Tomas, which is where she got the scar on her face.  You don't get to see a strong female character very often, so I think Andrea has to be in my top 5, at least for me anyway.

4. Sgt. Abraham Ford

Following the death of Tyreese, Abraham took the role as Rick's right hand man and did not disappoint with his awesome zombie kills and constant cursing.  He's a big guy, he's had to kill to survive and he protected Eugene and Rosita for a long time.  I thought it was really interesting at the time to have those three new characters come in after the prison and farm storyline.  Abraham has to be on my list.

3. Negan

Even though he's killed some characters, you have to admit that Negan is a great villain.  He's fun, he's funny, he has his rules, he's crazy and he's a big guy.  I love some his quirks like with Lucille, and having Carl sing was another great moment of his.  He's just a great villain and he has a lot qualities that make you like him, but you know he's not on Rick's side.  Even though you want to see Rick's side win, you can still like and appreciate how great of a character Negan is.  He also feels like he's not evil just for the sake of being evil like the Governor was.  Negan realizes people are more useful alive then dead.  But he wants to pin them down and make them work for him, almost like creating an empire in a zombie apocalypse. 

2. Carl Grimes

As time goes on, Carl becomes tougher and tougher, and it's safe to say that he's not a kid anymore, even though he technically still is.  I almost agree with Negan when he says, "Kid, you scare the hell out of me."  He attempted to kill Negan, he lost an eye and he killed Ben without any remorse.  I definitely appreciate Carl more in the comic book series then in the television series.  I'm excited to see what happens with him in the future and what he will become.

1. Rick Grimes

Everything that Rick has been through and the amount of suffering he's been through in the comic books has been way more then what Rick in the television series has been through.  It's awesome to see the comic book version of Rick still able to keep up hope and lead people through tough times.  I love Rick Grimes in the comic book series and he's my favorite character in The Walking Dead comic book series. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Walking Dead Issue 111 (Comic Book Series) Review

I apologize that this review is late.  I've been sick all of this week and didn't get a chance to read the new issue until last night.  As always, this review will contain spoilers, so for anyone who hasn't read the new issue yet, you may not want to keep reading this.

So based on the cover of this issue, we knew we would see at least one character death.  However, there are instances where you have a cover which may not exactly depict what is going to happen in the issue.  That was not the case in this issue.  I was going back and forth between Dwight and Rick for who Negan would kill.  I never once thought that it would be Spencer.

I never thought that Negan would go to Alexandria to get supplies while Rick was out with the others at the Kingdom getting ready to attack. That's a pretty interesting angle and completely different from what I thought was going to happen.  It's also a very interesting way of introducing the upcoming war between Rick's group and Negan's group.

So we start off with Carl trying to sneak off during the night to play with Ezekiel's tiger, but he gets caught by Rick.  That was a pretty funny moment and Rick then tells Carl that he can play with it tomorrow.  Next was a quick, little scene with Michonne where she takes her sword and actually sleeps with it next to her.

Then we have Jesus arguing with Gregory at the Hilltop and gathering his troops to head over to the Kingdom.  Gregory isn't really in on this war, so he's more likely to stay out of the whole situation.  So Jesus has about twenty men, Ezekiel has about forty people and Rick has his small group of tough fighters.  They also have Dwight on their side, but either way, this war is definitely going to be a blood bath, especially since Rick's group doesn't know that Negan is at Alexandria.  Then we see Andrea putting together a group of snipers and Michonne doing a little sword training with Ezekiel and his men. 

The rest of the issue is basically Negan showing up at Alexandria, banging on the gate and eventually being let in.  We have Spencer wanting to talk to Negan and being all polite with his shirt tucked into his jeans and all that good stuff.  I really liked the ending to the issue because at first, I thought Spencer knew what Rick was up to and was going to tell Negan everything.  But then Spencer actually wanted Negan to kill Rick and then Negan says,

"You wanted to take over... why not just kill Rick and take the f--k over? You know why? BECAUSE YOU GOT NO GUTS."

Then he just takes his knife and cuts Spencer's stomach open and all of his guts spill everywhere.  Negan's next lines are why he is the greatest villain in The Walking Dead by far.  He said,

"Oh, how embarrassing!  They were inside you the whole time.  You did have guts.  I've never been so wrong before in my life!  Clean this up before a kid sees it... and find out where this a--h--- lived.  I want to play some pool."

That's Negan in a nutshell.

Overall, I really enjoyed this issue a lot.  I think it's interesting to see Negan in Alexandria and I never thought that Spencer would be the one to die in this issue.  As always, I'm really excited to see what happens next and how the whole Negan situation will resolve itself.  I think we will see a ton of deaths on both sides in the upcoming war and I think it could last anywhere from 10-20 issues, so we should see a lot more Negan.  Now who doesn't love that?

Friday, June 7, 2013

AMC CEO says no end in sight to The Walking Dead

So, as well as several other reliable websites, reported two weeks ago that at the Barclays Global Technology, Media and Telecommunications Conference, AMC Networks CEO Josh Sapan said some things that made fans of The Walking Dead jump for joy.  Here's what he had to say:

“We hope that zombies live forever, and we’ve just begun to find out what the post-apocalyptic world is like so that we’ll be sitting here at the Barclays conference in 2022 discussing the fact that The Walking Dead is not over … at that point, I think any one of the companies will have replaced the United States government and we’ll be in a complete free enterprise world in which there are no nations.”

You can read the full article here:


The Walking Dead will still be on AMC in 2022.  That would be nine years from now, so that would be into seasons 13 and 14, depending on how many seasons occur per year.  The only thing I'm worried about in the long-run is whether or not Robert Kirkman wants to stay on board and keep doing this.  But from his past Q&As, it does seem like he wants to keep doing this and he's always wanted to create a zombie story that doesn't end really quickly like in a movie.  The Walking Dead is supposed to be a long term project where we see how the survivors have evolved over time in a zombie apocalypse. 

The comic book series has already accomplished that, and I guess you could say that the television series has somewhat accomplished that as well in only three seasons.  I say that because we know the characters better then you would know any character in any zombie movie.  So I would love to see The Walking Dead get as many seasons as possible.  Now some would say, "Oh, it's going to lose its steam soon."  I'm of the mindset that it's only going to get more popular with more seasons.  In addition, if another character drops out, they could always bring in new survivors and kill off the old ones like they did with Dale, played by Jeffrey DeMunn.

Now in eight or nine years, Andrew Lincoln may be become too old to continue or may not want to do the series anymore.  Chandler Riggs, who plays Carl, would be 20 or 21-years-old.  You could have him take over as the main protagonist, but that is if Lincoln doesn't want to do the series anymore.  Another possibility for the main protagonist could be Michonne, played by Danai Guirira, or Daryl Dixon, played by Norman Reedus.  But again, that's if Lincoln doesn't want to continue.

By having Rick die and someone taking over, you could have the show go on for a really long time, maybe even as long as the producers want.  I think as long as the show gets good ratings, AMC will keep this series around because it is the most viewed series they've ever had.  But again, I think the only thing that could derail the series is if Robert Kirkman doesn't want the series on television anymore, but I really hope that day doesn't come.

So I think The Walking Dead will get at least seven seasons, but I think they'll start having some trouble around season ten.  But as long as people keep watching it, I think the show will go on.